Maki & Raffa

106 Days To Go!

Maki & Raffa

106 Days To Go!

Wedding Ceremony

Wedding Ceremony at Palazzo Reale

Picture of Wedding Ceremony at Palazzo Reale

Our wedding ceremony will take place at Palazzo Reale, in Milan, on Friday the 27th of June, 16:00. It will be a short civil ceremony, lasting about 15 minutes—so don’t be late! We kindly ask our guests to arrive by 15:45 to make sure everything runs smoothly. If you arrive early and fancy a drink, we recommend Caffetteria Giacomo Caffè, conveniently located right in front of the wedding hall.

Since Palazzo Reale is a public building, there are a few rules we need to follow:

Guidelines for the Celebration of Weddings at Palazzo Reale

(As shared to us by Milan's Municipality)

Palazzo Reale is a historic building located in the center of Milan, deeply tied to the city's history. From the Sforza family to Napoleon, from the plague to the bombings of World War II, many events and figures have shaped the structure and functions of the Palazzo up to its present-day role.

Today, Palazzo Reale is the most important exhibition venue in the city, recognized internationally, and for about 10 years, it has also hosted civil wedding ceremonies and, more recently, civil unions. In addition to hosting major exhibitions, institutional, and private events throughout the year, Palazzo Reale houses administrative and organizational offices for the Area Polo Mostre, the Unità Case Museo, and the Comando Custodi. It is also home to the Caffetteria Giacomo Caffè. These activities operate within the Palazzo throughout the day, requiring essential tranquility and security for staff, exhibition visitors, café clients, as well as passersby and tourists. It is therefore necessary to establish a set of rules to be followed before, during, and after the celebrations:

Behavior and noise

Given the variety of activities mentioned above, guests are expected to maintain respectful behavior. The following are strictly prohibited:

- Shouting and singing

- The use of firecrackers or fireworks, which can endanger both the building and individuals present at Palazzo Reale

- Playing music outside the Wedding Hall

Throwing rice, confetti, or smoke bombs

Considering the high number of ceremonies held each week, the following are prohibited:

- Throwing rice, as it attracts pigeons, resulting in dirt on the floors and walls and significant challenges for cleaning services

- Throwing confetti, balloons or similar objects, as these often get stuck in the ceiling of the hall

- The use of smoke bombs is strictly forbidden, as they are hazardous to both individuals and the building


Taking photographs on the Grand Staircase leading to the first floor is prohibited:

- This area is an access and emergency exit route

- For safety reasons, as individuals may slip or fall

Guests are encouraged to use the Piazzetta Reale outside of Palazzo Reale, facing Piazza Duomo, the Wedding Hall, or its atrium for group photos.

Toasts and refreshments

It is strictly forbidden to organize toasts or small refreshments in any area of Palazzo Reale, including the rear garden. We suggest Caffetteria Giacomo Caffè if anyone is in need of a drink.

Structures and signage

Bringing posters, roll-ups, or cardboard props into Palazzo Reale and leaving any items behind is strictly prohibited.


Parking cars in the courtyard or under the arches of Palazzo Reale is prohibited. Vehicles must be parked outside on Via Pecorari or nearby areas.